Sexy Star Power

Imagine a room with beautiful windows, suffusing the space with natural light.  Now imagine that room filled with all of today’s latest gizmos and gadgets: cell phones, laptops, iPods and iPod docks, lamps, digital cameras. Ok, now think about all the chargers and wires that connect said gadgets to power outlets.  You with me?  Not too too difficult to imagine; this room may be the very same room you are sitting in right now!

Did you ever stop and wonder if some of that natural light from your windows could be used to power your everyday electronics?

The guys and gals at Regen did.  Based out of San Francisco, Regen, Inc. creates impeccably designed products that harvest energy from sunlight, using a sophisticated patented technology.

The keynote product is the Regen ReNu, a freestanding, solar-harvesting panel that can be combined with other products in the company’s line-up to charge cell phones, iPods and digital cameras. This 9″ x 9″ square platform is minimally invasive, and can lie flat or be propped up anywhere in your room, facing the nearest window. The ReNu (and Regen’s other products) employs an intelligent interface that lets users know how much energy has been stored and how much remains after plugging in your device.

Another sexy star-powered product from Regen is the ReVerb.  Standing at almost 3 feet tall, this sleek speaker and iPod dock can generate sound equal to 60-watts. Using either an electrical outlet or energy from the sun, the ReVerb can provide up to 12 hours of  high-quality sound when fully-charged.  The ReVerb is compatible with either the iPhone or iPod Touch.

It’s clear to see what drives the talented folks at Regen: green design thinking.  It’s apparent in every line and every shape of their products.  The vast surface area is able to harvest plenty of sunlight, without a heavy, bulk of photovoltaic cells. Their patented technology is quite advanced in that space is really conserved, just like the energy you conserve with the ReNu and ReVerb.  The company is also offering another way to conserve:  You can save up to $250 when you order any one of Regen’s products between now and February 28th, 2010.

Robert Brunner, Regen’s Chief Designer and Director said it best, when asked about Regen’s focus on design:

It’s thinking through the entire product in terms of functionality, lifestyle, and energy generation and usage to create a beautiful, self-powered platform. So as far as design goes, we’re thinking about the way we want to live in the future. In that sense, Regen is a unifying design idea, and not just a bunch of products.

I’m anxiously awaiting more exciting products from this up and coming company. Regen is really putting its mark as the leader in solar-powered electronic devices. Stay tuned: the world just got a little greener, folks

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
3 Responses to “Sexy Star Power”
  1. I have already been pursuing the post for 2 days right now and i must express i’m beginning to love your blog. I really enjoy. Thanks for taking the effort to talk about this Great blog post and good you address this. I was checking your message.

  2. manas says:

    Great post. I find this to be a really fascinating topic and you put a new spin on it for me. Thanks! 🙂

  3. gabyingreen says:

    Hello! Thank you for replying and posting your wonderful comments. I was beginning to think that only my boyfriend was reading my blog! Im glad you guys like it and I will certainly continue to look for exciting new designs in green friendly products. If you have any suggestions or topics you’d like to see covered, please contact me through the blog. Thanks again!

    Stay tuned: The world just got a little greener!

    Gaby in Green

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